Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science, Volume: 9, Issue :1, January 2021


ISSN No.: 2320-0898 (Print); 2320-0928 (Electronic)

DOI: 10.22607/IJACS.2021.901007 


Research Article



Total Organic Carbon Analyzer: Emerging Technique for Quality Assessment of Potability of Drinking Water

Astha Pandey*, NeehaD’souza, Ashwini Satpute



Water is an essential vital element among the natural resources and is important for the endurance of all living creatures including human, animals, microorganism, and plants. Water quality is affected due to the human activity such as urbanization, road construction, and industrial production. India has 75.8 million people living without access to clean water. Indian busiest railway stations are always in demand for drinking water; hence, packaged drinking water concept has started to provide the safe and clean drinking water to the travelers. Bureau of Indian Standards has given quality assessment standard for drinking water. However, parameter like total organic carbon (TOC) is not mentioned in that standard. Various researchers have proved that TOC can help to determine the degree of pollution and organic matters present in the water. In the present study, packaged drinking water and tap drinking water were collected from the railway station and analyzed for total organic content using TOC analyzer. TOC was found in the range of 0.71–98.57 ppm. This system would be implanted in the drinking water and sewage water filtration plant to effectively identify the organic carbon and there is a serious need to incorporate this parameter in the water quality standard to keep track on the organic matters present in the drinking water.


Key words: Potable water, Total organic carbon, Bottled water, Non-purgeable organic carbon



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