Author Guidelines



Manuscripts can be submitted through our online manuscript submission and peer review system.


Submission cover letter must include the statement claiming that you have read the submission guidelines, you agree to  the policy of the journal

and that the submission is original and does not contain plagiarized material.



Preparation of Manuscript

The manuscript should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized-paper (A4) with 1" margins on all sides. Times New Roman font 12 pt should be

used. The fonts used in the text as well as graphics should be restricted to Times New Roman, Symbol and Zapf Dingbats.


Title page

The title page should contain a clear, concise and informative title of the article followed by the names and affiliations of the authors. The affiliation

should comprise the department, institution, city, and state (or nation) and should be typed as a footnote to the author's name. The Corresponding

Author must indicate his or her complete mailing address, office/cellular phone number, fax number, and email address at the lower left of the Title Page.


Article Structure

Abstract: The abstract should not more than 220 words and should contain objectives, material and methods, Results and Conclusions. Reviews and mini

reviews also require an abstract. Abstract should not be structured. Abstract must be followed by four-six keywords.


Introduction: This should be brief and indicates aim of the study and the essential back ground information. Introduction should clearly state the hypothesis or

purpose statement, how and why the purpose or hypothesis was developed and why the author deems it important.


Material and methods: Please provide concise but complete information about the material and the analytical, statistical and experimental procedures used.

This part should be as clear as possible to enable other scientists to repeat the research presented. The use of subheadings to divide the text  is encouraged.

Primary headings should be in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS. Secondary or subheadings should be in Bold sentence case. Third level subheadings should be in

Italicized sentence Case. In case of animal/human experiments or clinical trials authors must give the details of ethical approval.

Result and Discussion; Data acquired from the research with appropriate statistical analysis described in the methods section should be included in this

section. In this part, the same data/ information given in a table must not be repeated in a figure, or vice versa. Tables and Figures should be self explanatory

and it is not acceptable to repeat extensively the numerals from tables into text and give lengthy and unnecessary explanations of the Tables and Figures.

Discussion should relate the results to current understanding of the scientific problems being investigated in the field.

Conclusion: This should clearly explain the main conclusions of the work highlighting its importance and relevance.


Biographical sketch : Also The manuscript should accompany the following:  A brief biographical sketch (50-75 words) of the author/s describing A passport

- type photo and a short summary of the career to-date of corresponding author should be included (current designation and affiliation, specialization, number of

books and articles published in refereed journals, and membership on editorial boards and companies, etc.)



References should be complete in all respects and arranged in numerical order.


(a) In the text, the references should appear as follows: References should be cited in brackets [1-5]. 


Recent studies (1,3,5-9) indicate...


(b) Journal references should be listed as follows: K.S.V. Krishna Rao, I. D. Chung, C.S. Ha. (2008) Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(acrylamido

glycolic acid) Grafted onto Chitosan and its Polyelectolyte Complexes with Hydroxyapatite, Reactive and Functional Polymers. 68, 943-953.


(c) Books should be referred to as follows: S. Schlick, (1996) Ionomers: characterization, theory, and applications. Boca Raton: CRC Press. pp 311-320


(d) Webpage links

Webpage with authors: K. Senthilkumar, K. Ramamurthi, T. Kalaivani, V. Balasubramanian. 2013. Low Temperature Synthesis of MPA Capped ZnS Quantum

Dots and its Characterization Studies. [ONLINE] Available at [Accessed 08 December 2014].
Webpage without authors: How to cite web reference. 2011. Available at: [Accessed 08 August 2013].
Webpage with no date: How to cite web reference. Available at: [Accessed 08 August 2013].


All acknowledgments (if any) should be included at the very end of the paper before the references and may include supporting grants, presentations, and

so forth.

Standard abbreviations should be used throughout the manuscript. All nonstandard abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and must be defined in the

 text following their first use.




Wherever copyrighted material is used, the authors should be accurate in reproduction and obtain permission from copyright holders, if necessary.

Articles published in IJACS should not be reproduced or reprinted in any form, either in full or in part, without prior written permission from the Editor


Types of Contributions

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Advances Chemical Sciences should be Short Communication, Review or Full Paper or Concept or Books or

Comments & Responses.


IJACS has the following features:


Short Communication: Short Communication is a report/note in unusual urgency. A statement from author justifying its need is required. Short

Communication should be confined to 1500 words or 2 pages. The text should be divided into sections however, an introductory paragraph should

provide a general context of the work explaining its significance and indicating why it should be of interest to scientists in other areas while the end

paragraph should summarize the essential conclusions and implications.



Full Paper: Full Paper must either be of a contemporary interest or of great significance to a more specialized readership. It should be peer reviewed,

reporting the details of studies that have not been published previously, except in the form of primary communications. Manuscript should be divided into

sections including “Experimental”. Full paper should be restricted to 10000 words or 9-12 pages.


Review: Review introduces the reader to a particular area of an author’s research through a concise overview of a selected topic. The content should

balance scope with depth. Reference to important work from others that is significant to the topic should be included. There is no restriction placed on

the length of the Review.



Book Reviews covers reviews of current books on Chemical Science.


All tables, charts, and graphs should be in colour. Wherever necessary, the source should be indicated at the bottom. Number and complexity of exhibits

should be minimal. Endnotes, italics, and quotation marks should be kept to the minimum.




Review Process

 IJACS operates a strictly blind peer review process in which the reviewer’s name is withheld from the author and, the author’s name from the reviewer.

The reviewer may at their own discretion opt to reveal their name to the author in their review but our standard policy practice is for both identities to

remain concealed. Two or more referees review all contributions by following the ‘double blind’ system. The process usually takes about 8 to 30 working days.

IJACS reserves the right to implement the editorial amendments in the final draft of the manuscript to suit the journal’s requirements.


Conflict of Interest

All the authors of must disclose the possible conflicts of interest/ Competing Interests they may have with publication of the manuscript or an institution

 or product that is mentioned in the manuscript and/or is important to the outcome of the study presented. Authors should also disclose conflict of

interest with products that compete with those mentioned in their manuscript. The Conflict of Interest statement should list each author separately by name.


Article Withdrawal Policy


Only used for Articles in Press which represent early versions of articles and sometimes contain errors, or may have been accidentally submitted twice.

Occasionally, but less frequently, the articles may represent infringements of professional ethical codes, such as multiple submission, bogus claims of

authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data or the like. Articles in Press (articles that have been accepted for publication but which have not been

formally published and will not yet have the complete volume/issue/page information) that include errors, or are discovered to be accidental duplicates

of other published article(s), or are determined to violate our journal publishing ethics guidelines in the view of the editors (such as multiple submission,

bogus claims of authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data or the like), may be “Withdrawn” from KROS Publications. Withdrawn means that the

article content (HTML and PDF) is removed and replaced with a HTML page and PDF simply stating that the article has been withdrawn according to the

KROS Publication Policy on Article in Press Withdrawal with a link to the current policy document.




Plagiarism Policy


By submitting paper for publication to the journal, you as contributor/ author/ co-author state that


You are fully aware that plagiarism is wrong and you know that plagiarism is the use of another person’s idea or published work and pretend that it is one’s own.
You declare that each contribution to your work from other people's published or unpublished sources have been acknowledged and the source of information

have been referenced.
You certify that you will not allow anyone to copy your work with the intention of passing it off as his/her own work.
You certify that you are solely responsible for any incomplete reference that may remain in your work




Action against Plagiarism


When plagiarism has been found to have occurred, the IJACS will take the actions listed below as determined by the type of plagiarism. Unless determined

otherwise during the investigation, all authors are deemed to be individually and collectively responsible for the content of a plagiarizing paper.
The IJACS may inform the department chair, dean, or supervisor of the authors of the finding of plagiarism.
The authors will be asked to write a formal letter of apology to the authors of the plagiarized paper, including an admission of plagiarism.
If the paper has appeared on the website, the journal will remove access to the full text. The paper itself will be kept in the database for future research or legal

If the paper is under submission, the paper can be automatically rejected by the editor-in-chief without further revisions and without any further plagiarism

investigation coordinated by the IJACS.




Open Access


Each article published in Indian Journal of Advanced Chemical Science is published Open Access , which means that, upon payment of an article processing

charge (APC), the article is freely and permanently available on KROS Publications online platform There is no additional subscription fee,

article pay-to-view fee or any other form of access fee; and no publication embargo is applied.


Article Processing Charges (APCs)


Authors are required to pay Rs. 2500/- INR (Indian Authors) or USD 100 (foreign authors) for APCs upon acceptance of manuscript. APCs are applicable only to

the accepted articles.


Note: These charges are calculated for a standard length article with 20 pages in MS-Word. Additional page charges will be applicable for the articles beyond

this limit.


 Deadline/publication details for submissions

ISSUE Deadline Acceptance Communication Date of Publication
January Issue 31st December 10- 20 January 1 to 5th February
April Issue 31st March 10- 20 April 1 to 5th May
August Issue 31st July 10- 20 August 1 to 5th September
December Issue 30th November 10- 20 December 1 to 5th January

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